
New Policies

  • We are only seeing patients by appointment only and are carefully scheduling appointments to reduce your interaction with other patients.

  • You do not need to call us when you arrive; we will be expecting you.

  • Please come to your appointment alone, unless you are a minor or need special assistance. Anyone accompanying you will be asked to wait in the car.

  • Please wear a face mask upon arrival.


  • We have secured CDC recommended PPE for all doctors and clinical staff. The office temperature will be kept cooler than usual, so you may want to bring a sweater.

  • Hand sanitizing stations have been set up for patient use in the reception area. We ask that you please practice good hand hygiene.

  • Air purifiers have been added to treatment rooms and an advanced air sanitization system has been installed in our main HVAC.


Welcome back!

We might look a little different, but we are excited to see you again!